


袁荒,福利直播 教授,博士生导师。


1978.02-1982.02 工学学士,合肥工业大学车辆工程系

1982.02-1984.11 工学硕士,浙江大学力学系

1990.03 工学博士(Dr.-Ing.),德国柏林工业大学物理工程科学系

2002.01 教授资格博士(Dr.-Ing.habil.),德国慕尼黑工业大学机械系


1984.11-1985.09 浙江大学力学系,助教

1985.10-1990.03 德国柏林工业大学力学研究所,博士生

1986.10-1989.06 德国联邦材料研究院 (BAM),科研工程师 (博士生)

1989.07-1993.03 德国GKSS研究中心材料研究所,科研工程师

1993.04-1997.10 瑞士国家研究院(Paul Scherrer Institut),核能及核结构安全研究部,材料力学研究室主任

1997.10-2005.09 德国MTU Aero Engines AG,高级工程师

2002.02-2005.09 德国慕尼黑工业大学机械系,兼职讲师(Priv.-Dozent)

2005.10-2014.03 德国伍伯特尔大学(University of Wuppertal)机械系,终身大学教授,工程力学主任

2010.05-2015.04 北京理工大学机械与车辆福利直播

2011.03-2012.12 中航工业商用航空发动机有限责任公司,首席专家, 副总设计师

2014.03起 福利直播


2008.07起 欧洲结构完整性协会(European Structural Integrity Society,ESIS)计算方法专业委员会主任

2011起 Editorial Board, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering

2011起 Editorial Board, Mathematical Problems in Engineering

2014.06 欧洲结构完整性协会, Fellow








- 航空发动机、燃气轮机设计;

- 高速旋转结构动力学特性和热结构温度分析;

- 高温金属材料的本构理论研究、疲劳损伤模型、疲劳寿命评估方法;

- 金属零件表面强化工艺、设备及评估方法等方面研究。

与国内外工业界合作开展航空发动机研发、 发动机高承载结构的设计计算方法、结构疲劳损伤机理、多尺度计算材料力学、工程构件的疲劳以及复杂材料力学行为建模等方面的工作。承担了包括中国/德国国家科学基金/科技部、欧共体框架研究计划、工业界研究项目在内共20多项研究项目。


2014.06 欧洲结构完整性协会, Fellow(唯一华裔)





1. H. Yuan*, W. Brocks: On the J-integral concept for elastic-plastic crack growth. Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 131, pp. 157-173, 1991.

2. H. Yuan: Elastoplastic crack analysis for pressure-sensitive dilatant materials - Part II: Interfacial cracks. International Journal of Fracture, vol. 69, pp. 167-187, 1994.

3. H. Yuan*, G. Lin, A. Cornec: Applications of cohesive zone model for assessment of ductile fracture processes. ASME-transactions: Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, vol. 118, pp. 192-200, 1996.

4. H. Yuan*, W. Brocks: Quantification of constraint effects in elastic-plastic crack front fields. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 46, pp. 219-241, 1998.

5. H. Yuan*, J. Chen: Identification of the intrinsic material length in gradient plasticity from micro-indentation tests. International Journal of Solids and Structure, vol. 38, pp. 8171-8187, 2001.

6. H. Yuan*, J. Chen: Comparison of ductile material failure predictions using local and nonlocal damage models. International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 41, pp. 1021-1037, 2003.

7. H. Yuan*, Y. Xu: Fracture mechanics analysis of adhesive joints. Computational Material Sciences, vol. 43, pp. 146-156. 2008.

8. Y. Xu, H. Yuan*: Computational prediction of mixed mode crack propagation using XFEM based on cyclic cohesive models. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2009, 76(2):165-181.

9. X.-F. Pan, H. Yuan*: Meshless methods for micromechanical damage modelling. Modelling Simulation Material Science and Engineering.17 (2009) 045005 (19pp).

10. J. Liu, C. Xiang, H. Yuan. Prediction of 3D fatigue crack propagation in shot-peened components with high residual stresses. Computational Material Sciences. 46 (2009) 566-571

11. G. Chen, X. Chen, H. Yuan*. Ratcheting and fatigue properties of the high-nitrogen steel X13CrMnMoN18-14-3 under cyclic loading. Computational Material Sciences. 46 (2009) 571-576.

12. H. Yuan*, Y. Xu: Fracture mechanics assessment of stress concentrations in incomplete fretting contacts. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 76(2009), 2344-2358

13. R. Ambati, H. Yuan*. FEM mesh-dependence in cutting process simulations. Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 0268-3768 (2010).

14. H. Krull, H. Yuan*. Suggestions to the cohesive traction-separation law from atomistic simulations. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2011), 525-533

15. M. Schneider, H. Yuan. Experimental and computational investigation of cyclic mechanical behavior and damage evolution of Distaloy AE + 0.5% C. Powder Metallurgy Progress 11 (2011), 141-148

16. G. Zhang, H. Yuan*, F. Li. Analysis of creep-fatigue life prediction models for Nickel-based super alloys. Computational Materials Science. 57 (2012), 80-88

17. H. Li, H. Yuan*. Cohesive zone modelling of low cycle fatigue cracks in cracked and notched specimens. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 36 (2013) 1246–1257,.

18. S. Ma, H. Yuan*. Damage evolutions in sinter powder metals. Computational Materials Science. 80 (2013) 123–133.

19. H. Yuan*, X. Li. Effects of the cohesive law on ductile crack propagation simulation by using cohesive zone models. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 126 (2014), 1-11.

20. H. Yuan*, S. Ma, L. Zhang. Continuum damage mechanics for sinter powder metals. Science China. 2014.//phys.scichina.com:8083/sciGe/fileup/PDF/11433_OF_14_5529.pdf