


E-mail address:[email protected]


蒋方华,男,1982年生于湖南祁阳,力学博士,福利直播 长聘副教授、博导。从2000年9月本科起,一直在清华福利直播 学习和工作,从事航天动力学方向的应用基础研究,入职以来主要研究空间探测轨道设计与轨迹优化,主讲课程“理论力学”、“航天动力学”。发表航天领域SCI期刊论文50余篇,研究成果被中美俄等国多位院士、SCI期刊主编、航天总师等好评和采用。作为主力队员或指导教师参加国际空间探测轨迹优化大赛获得1冠军2亚军1季军,主持国家自然科学基金项目及课题5项,作为研究骨干或子课题负责人参加国家重点研发项目2项。任SCI期刊《Aerospace》、EI期刊《Astrodynamics》等编委、美国AIAA终身高级会员,获得省部级科技一等奖2项,2020年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助。

通讯地址:福利直播 蒙民伟科技大楼N931室,100084


邮箱: [email protected]


2007.9~2009.7 福利直播 力学 博士研究生(硕转博)

2004.9~2007.7 福利直播 力学 硕士研究生

2000.9~2004.7 福利直播 工程力学系 工程力学 本科生


2022.8~至今 福利直播 教研系列长聘副教授

2016.6~2022.8 福利直播 教研系列准聘副教授

2014.12~2016.6 福利直播 副教授

2011. 6~2014.12 福利直播 助理研究员

2009. 7~2011.6 福利直播 博士后


2021.2~至今 《Aerospace》(SCI) 编委

2021.1~至今 《动力学与控制学报》 青年编委

2016.1~至今 《Astrodynamics》(EI) 创刊编委

2015.12~至今 美国航空航天学会 终身高级会员

2018.10~2021.10 《福利直播 学报(自然科学版)》(EI) 特约编委






1. 2023年4月,中国空间轨道设计竞赛突出贡献个人

2. 2022年9月,福利直播 2021年度先进集体成员

3. 2022年6月,福利直播 2021年度教学优秀奖

4. 2021年11月,第11届国际空间探测轨迹优化大赛冠军

5. 2021年5月,第二届全国航空航天类专业本科毕设成果交流会特等奖指导教师

6. 2020年9月,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者

7. 2019年6月,第10届国际空间探测轨迹优化大赛亚军

8. 2019年1月,上海市技术发明奖一等奖

9. 2017年12月,军队科学技术进步一等奖

10. 2015年8月,第8届国际空间探测轨迹优化大赛亚军

11. 2010年11月,第5届国际空间探测轨迹优化大赛季军

12. 2010年5月,第2届中国空间轨道设计竞赛冠军

13. 2009年7月,福利直播 优秀博士论文二等奖和优秀博士毕业生荣誉称号



[1] Zhang Z, Zhang N, Guo X, Wu D, Xie X, Li JY, Yang J, Chen SY, Jiang Fanghua, Baoyin HX, Li HY, Zheng HX, Duan XW. GTOC 11: Results from Tsinghua University and Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 202: 819-828.

[2] Yang J, Zhang Z, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Low-energy transfer design of heliocentric formation using lunar swingby on the example of LISA[J]. Aerospace, 2023, 10(1): 18.

[3] Xie X, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Design and optimization of stable initial heliocentric formation on the example of LISA[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2023, 71(1): 420-438.

[4] Wu D, Guo X, Jiang Fanghua, BaoyinHX. Atlas of optimal low-thrust rephasing solutions in circular orbit[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2023, 46(5): 856-870.

[5] Wang ZW, Cheng L, Jiang Fanghua. Approximations for secular variation maxima of classical orbital elements under low thrust[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(3): 744.

[6] Guo X, Ren D, Wu D, Jiang Fanghua. DNN estimation of low-thrust transfer time: Focusing on fast transfers in multi-asteroid rendezvous missions[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 204: 518-530.

[7] Zhang HJ, Ren D, Jiang Fanghua. A beam search-based channel allocation method for interference mitigation of NGSO satellites with multi-beam antennas[J]. Aerospace, 2022, 9(4): 177.

[8] Wu D, Zhang TX, Zhong Y, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Analytical shaping method for low-thrust rendezvous trajectory using cubic spline functions[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2022, 193: 511-520.

[9] Wu D, Cheng L, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Analytical costate estimation by a reference trajectory-based least-squares method[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2022, 45(8): 1529-1537.

[10] Li QQ, Tao YM, Jiang Fanghua. Orbital stability and invariant manifolds on distant retrograde orbits around Ganymede and nearby higher-period orbits[J]. Aerospace, 2022, 9(8): 454.

[11] Zhang TX, Wu D, Jiang Fanghua, Zhou H. A new 3D shaping method for low-thrust trajectories between non-intersect orbits[J]. Aerospace, 2021, 8(11): 315.

[12] Wu D, Wang W, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Minimum-time low-thrust many-revolution geocentric trajectories with analytical costates initialization[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 119: 107146.

[13] Wu D, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Warm start for low-thrust trajectory optimization via switched system[J]. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2021: 1-7.

[14] Wu D, Cheng L, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Rapid generation of low-thrust many-revolution earth-center trajectories based on analytical state-based control[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 187: 338-347.

[15] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Adaptive neural network control of nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2021, 67(3): 1114-1123.

[16] Cheng L, Jiang Fanghua, Wang ZB, Li JF. Multiconstrained real-time entry guidance using deep neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(1): 325-340.

[17] Chen SY, Jiang Fanghua, Li HY, Baoyin HX. Optimization for multitarget, multispacecraft impulsive rendezvous considering J2 perturbation[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2021, 44(10).

[18] 武迪, 闫翛然, 李海洋, 蒋方华. 火星探测器接近段器地组合导航方法[J]. 中国科学:技术科学, 2020, 50(09): 1150-1159.

[19] 迟哲敏, 李俊峰, 蒋方华, 宝音贺西. 变比冲连续小推力轨迹优化方法综述[J]. 飞控与探测, 2020, 3(04): 58-67.

[20] 程林, 蒋方华, 李俊峰. 深度学习在飞行器动力学与控制中的应用研究综述[J]. 力学与实践, 2020, 42(3): 267-276.

[21] Meng YZ, Li HN, Jiang Fanghua. Polynomial-based method for determining coast-terminating zero of fuel-optimal time-fixed trajectory[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2020, 365(1): 8.

[22] Chi ZM, Wu D, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Optimization of variable-specific-impulse gravity-assist trajectories[J]. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2020, 57(2): 291-299.

[23] Chi ZM, Jiang Fanghua, Tang G. Optimization of variable-specific-impulse gravity-assist trajectories via optimality-preserving transformation[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 101: 105828.

[24] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Song Y, Jiang Fanghua. Real-time optimal control for irregular asteroid landings using deep neural networks[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2020, 170: 66-79.

[25] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Fast generation of optimal asteroid landing trajectories using deep neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020: 1-1.

[26] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. An identifier-actor-optimizer policy learning architecture for optimal control of continuous-time nonlinear systems[J]. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(6): 264511.

[27] Cheng L, Li HN, Wang ZW, Jiang Fanghua. Fast solution continuation of time-optimal asteroid landing trajectories using deep neural networks[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2020, 167: 63-72.

[28] 于龙江, 蒋方华, 姜洋, 喜进军. 敏捷卫星一般轨迹主动推扫成像模式设计[J]. 航天器工程, 2019, 28(1): 27-34.

[29] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Jiang Fanghua. Real-time control for fuel-optimal Moon landing based on an interactive deep reinforcement learning algorithm[J]. Astrodynamics, 2019, 3(4): 375-386.

[30] Cheng L, Wang ZB, Jiang Fanghua, Zhou CY. Real-time optimal control for spacecraft orbit transfer via multiscale deep neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019, 55(5): 2436-2450.

[31] Yang HW, Tang G, Jiang Fanghua. Optimization of observing sequence based on nominal trajectories of symmetric observing configuration[J]. Astrodynamics, 2018, 2(1): 25-37.

[32] 倪彦硕, 蒋方华, 李俊峰. 航天动力学的数学方法[M]. 北京: 中国宇航出版社, 2018.

[33] Wu D, Song Y, Chi ZM, E ZB, Sun H, Baoyin HX, Jiang Fanghua. Problem A of the 9th China trajectory optimization competition: Results found at Tsinghua University[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2018, 150: 204-212.

[34] Tang G, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Fuel-optimal low-thrust trajectory optimization using indirect method and successive convex programming[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018, 54(4): 2053-2066.

[35] Li HY, Li JY, Jiang Fanghua. Dynamics and control for contactless interaction between spacecraft and tumbling debris[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2018, 61(1): 154-166.

[36] Jiang W, Li JF, Jiang Fanghua, Bernelli-Zazzera F. A simple method to design non-collision relative orbits for close spacecraft formation flying[J]. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61(5): 054511.

[37] Chi ZM, Li HY, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Power-limited low-thrust trajectory optimization with operation point detection[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018, 363(6): 122.

[38] Ma PB, Wang TS, Jiang Fanghua, Mu JS, Baoyin HX. Autonomous navigation of Mars probes by single X-ray pulsar measurement and optical data of viewing Martian moons[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2017, 70(1): 18-32.

[39] Jiang Fanghua, Tang G, Li JF. Improving low-thrust trajectory optimization by adjoint estimation with shape-based path[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2017, 40(12): 3280-3287.

[40] Tang G, Jiang Fanghua. Capture of near-Earth objects with low-thrust propulsion and invariant manifolds[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016, 361(1).

[41] Jiang Fanghua, Tang G. Systematic low-thrust trajectory optimization for a multi-rendezvous mission using adjoint scaling[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016, 361(4).

[42] 余婧, 喜进军, 于龙江, 蒋方华. 敏捷卫星同轨多条带拼幅成像模式研究[J]. 航天器工程, 2015(02): 27-34.

[43] Zeng XY, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF, Baoyin HX. Study on the connection between the rotating mass dipole and natural elongated bodies[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015, 356(1): 29-42.

[44] Zeng XY, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Asteroid body-fixed hovering using nonideal solar sails[J]. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15(4): 597-607.

[45] Wu ZG, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Extension of frozen orbits and Sun-synchronous orbits around terrestrial planets using continuous low-thrust propulsion[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015, 360(1).

[46] Tang G, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Low-thrust trajectory optimization of asteroid sample return mission with multiple revolutions and moon gravity assists[J]. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, 58(11).

[47] Ma PB, Jiang Fanghua, Baoyin HX. Autonomous navigation of Mars probes by combining optical data of viewing Martian moons and SST data[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2015, 68(6): 1019-1040.

[48] Li JY, Gong SP, Baoyin HX, Jiang Fanghua. Lunar orbit insertion targeting from the two-segment lunar free-return trajectories[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2015, 55(4): 1051-1060.

[49] Gong SP, Li JF, Jiang Fanghua. Interplanetary trajectory design for a hybrid propulsion system[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 45: 104-113.

[50] 李俊峰, 宝音贺西, 蒋方华. 深空探测动力学与控制[M]. 北京: 福利直播 出版社, 2014.

[51] Wu ZG, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Artificial Martian frozen orbits and Sun-Synchronous orbits using continuous low-thrust control[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2014, 352(2): 503-514.

[52] He J, Gong SP, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Time-optimal rendezvous transfer trajectory for restricted cone-angle range solar sails[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2014, 30(5): 628-635.

[53] Guo TD, Li JF, Baoyin HX, Jiang Fanghua. Pseudospectral methods for trajectory optimization with interior point constraints: verification and applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(3): 2005-2017.

[54] Jiang Fanghua, Baoyin HX, Li JF. Practical techniques for low-thrust trajectory optimization with homotopic approach[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2012, 35(1): 245-258.

[55] Guo TD, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF. Homotopic approach and pseudospectral method applied jointly to low thrust trajectory optimization[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2012, 71: 38-50.

[56] 李俊峰, 蒋方华. 连续小推力航天器的深空探测轨道优化方法综述[J]. 力学与实践, 2011, 33(3): 1-6.

[57] 蒋方华, 陈杨, 刘跃聪, 宝音贺西, 李俊峰. 2010年国际深空探测轨道优化竞赛的福利直播 解法[J]. 力学与实践, 2011, 33(3): 103-105.

[58] Guo TD, Jiang Fanghua, Baoyin HX, Li JF. Fuel optimal low thrust rendezvous with outer planets via gravity assist[J]. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2011, 54(4): 756-769.

[59] 雪丹, 李俊峰, 蒋方华. 卫星在轨道平面内的可达范围研究[J]. 力学学报, 2010, 42(02): 337-342.

[60] Xue D, Li JF, Baoyin HX, Jiang Fanghua. Reachable domain for spacecraft with a single impulse[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2010, 33(3): 934-942.

[61] 蒋方华, 李俊峰, 宝音贺西. 基于不同天文标准计算地球引力对卫星轨道的影响[J]. 空间控制技术与应用, 2009(02): 38-41.

[62] Zhu KJ, Jiang Fanghua, Li JF, Baoyin HX. Trajectory optimization of multi-asteroids exploration with low thrust[J]. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2009, 52(175): 47-54.

[63] Jiang Fanghua, Li JF, Baoyin HX, Gao YF. Two-point boundary value problem solutions to spacecraft formation flying[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2009, 32(6): 1827-1837.

[64] Jiang Fanghua, Li JF, Baoyin HX, Gao YF. Study on relative orbit geometry of spacecraft formations in elliptical reference orbits[J]. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2008, 31(1): 123-134.

[65] Jiang Fanghua, Li JF, Baoyin HX. Approximate analysis for relative motion of satellite formation flying in elliptical orbits[J]. Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, 2007, 98(1): 31-66.