《Mechanics of Materials》(固体力学重要期刊)副主编(2021.1-)
《European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids》(固体力学重要期刊)副主编(2021.7-)
《Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics》副主编(2021.1-)
自然出版集团《Communications Materials》创刊编委(2021.1-)
《Forces in Mechanics》编委(2021.1-)
《Nano Materials Science》编委(2021.1-)
《Science China: Technological Sciences》青年编委(2018.1-2022.12)
《Acta Mechanica Sinica》青年编委(2020.9-2025.9)
iMechanica(全球最大的力学专业网站)Journal Club Editor(2018.1-2019.12)
50余个国际期刊的审稿人,其中包括Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Materials Today, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Science Advances, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Advanced Engineering Materials, Composite Science and Technology, Extremely Mechanics Letters等
代表性论文如下(*为通讯作者,#为指导的研究生和博士后,详细论文见Research ID //www.researcherid.com/rid/B-7325-2008):
Qian Zhang#, Ruirui Huang#, Xuan Zhang#, Tanqing Cao, Yunfei Xue, and Xiaoyan Li*. Deformation mechanisms and remarkable strain hardening in single-crystalline high-entropy-alloy micropillars/nanopillars. Nano Letters, 21, 3671–3679 (2021). (Cover Featured Article)
Yongpan Zeng#, and Xiaoyan Li*. Atomistic simulations of high-temperature creep in nanotwinned TiAl alloys. Extreme Mechanics Letter, 44, 101253, (2021).
Zixin Xiong#, Lei Zhong#, Haotian Wang#, and Xiaoyan Li*. Structural defects, mechanical behaviors, and properties of two-dimensional materials. Materials, 14, 1192, (2021).
Xuan Zhang#, Yujia Wang#, Bin Ding#, and Xiaoyan Li*. Design, fabrication and mechanics of three-dimensional micro-/nanolattices. Small, 16, 1902842, (2020). (Invited Review) (Cover Featured Article)
Xiaoyan Li, Lei Lu, Jianguo Li#, Xuan Zhang#, and Huajian Gao*. Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of gradient nanostructured metals and alloys. Nature Reviews Materials, 5, 706-723, (2020).
Xuan Zhang#, Lei Zhong#, Arturo Mateos, Akira Kudo, Andrey Vyatskikh, Huajian Gao*, Julia R. Greer*, and Xiaoyan Li*. Theoretical strength and rubber-like behaviour in micro-sized pyrolytic carbon. Nature Nanotechnology, 14, 762-769, (2019). (Cover Featured Article)
Xuan Zhang#, Andrey Vyatskikh, Huajian Gao*, Julia R. Greer*, and Xiaoyan Li*. Lightweight, flaw-tolerant, and ultrastrong nanoarchitected carbon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 6665-6672 (2019).
Hongtao Ren, Zixin Xiong#, Enze Wang, Zhiquan Yuan, Yufei Sun, Kunlei Zhu, Bolun Wang, Xuewen Wang, Hanyuan Ding, Peng Liu, Lei Zhang, Junqiao Wu, Shoushan Fan, Xiaoyan Li*, and Kai Liu*. Watching dynamic self-assembly of web buckles in strained MoS2 thin films. ACS Nano, 13, 3106-3116 (2019).
Yongshuai Yuan#, Xiaoyan Li*, and Wei Yang*. Low-angle grain boundary structures and size effects of nickel nanolaminated structures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 130, 280-296 (2019).
Xuan Zhang#, Jiahao Yao, Bin Liu, Jun Yang, Lei Lu, Yi Li, Huajian Gao, and Xiaoyan Li*. Three-dimensional high-entropy alloy–polymer composite nanolattices that overcome the strength–recoverability trade-off. Nano Letters, 18, 4247-4256 (2018).
Yao-Jian Liang, Linjing Wang, Yuren Wen, Baoyuan Cheng, Qinli Wu, Tangqing Cao, Qian Xiao, Yunfei Xue*, Gang Sha, Yandong Wang, Yang Ren, Xiaoyan Li*, Lu Wang, Fuchi Wang*, and Hongnian Cai. High-content ductile coherent nanoprecipitates achieve ultrastrong high-entropy alloys. Nature Communications, 9, 4063 (2018).
Haolun Wang, Xuan Zhang#, Ning Wang*, Yan Li, Xue Feng, Ya Huang, Chunsong Zhao, Zhenglian Liu, Minghao Fang, Gang Ou, Huajian Gao*, Xiaoyan Li*, and Hui Wu*. Ultralight, scalable, and high-temperature–resilient ceramic nanofiber sponges. Science Advances, 3, e1603170 (2017).
Xiaoyan Li* and Huajian Gao*. Mechanical metamaterials: Smaller and stronger. Nature Materials, 15, 373-374 (2016).
Jialiang Lang, Bin Ding#, Ting Zhu, Hanxiao Su, Hao Luo, Longhao Qi, Kai Liu, Ke Wang, Naveed Hussain, Chunsong Zhao, Xiaoyan Li*, Huajian Gao, and Hui Wu*. Cycling of a lithium-ion battery with a silicon anode drives large Mechanical actuation. Advanced Materials, 28, 10236-10243 (2016).
Xiaoyan Li*, Ming Dao, Christoph Eberl, Andrea Maria Hodge, and Huajian Gao*. Fracture, fatigue, and creep of nanotwinned metals. MRS Bulletin, 41, 298-304, (2016).
Bin Ding#, Xiaoyan Li*, Xuan Zhang#, Hui Wu, Zhiping Xu, and Huajian Gao*. Brittle versus ductile fracture mechanism transition in amorphous lithiated silicon: From intrinsic nanoscale cavitation to shear banding. Nano Energy, 18, 89-96 (2015).
Dongchan Jang*, Xiaoyan Li, Huajian Gao*, and Julia R. Greer. Deformation mechanisms in nanotwinned metal nanopillars. Nature Nanotechnology, 7, 594-601 (2012). (Dongchan Jiang and Xiaoyan Li equally contributed to this work.)
Xiaoyan Li, Yujie Wei*, Lei Lu, Ke Lu, and Huajian Gao*. Dislocation nucleation governed softening and maximum strength in nano-twinned metals. Nature, 464, 877-880 (2010).
Xiaoyan Li, Wei Yang*, and Bin Liu. Bending induced rippling and twisting of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Physical Review Letters, 98, 205502 (2007).
Xiaoyan Li*, Zikun Wang, and Shangheng Huang. Love waves in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 7309-7328 (2004).