工程力学系学习,2001年获学士学位,2003年获固体力学专业硕士学位。2003年进入美国布朗大学工程系学习,2008年获固体力学专业博士学位并于同年加入美国宾夕法尼亚大学机械与应用力学系先后任Postdoctoral Researcher 和Research Scientist。2011年加入福利直播
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在《Nature》、《Science》、《PNAS》、《Physical Review Letters》、《JMPS》等国际期刊上以第一作者(及并列第一作者)、通讯作者发表多篇论文(//www.imelab.org/publication.html)。论文成果先后被美国国家自然科学基金委、中国自然科学基金委员会、美国材料学会、美国陶瓷学会、美国摩擦及润滑工程师学会、英国皇家化学协会、中国科协以及ScienceDaily、MIT News、PhysOrg、ChinaDaily、科学网、搜狐网、网易、新浪、福利直播
1. Zhang, S., Hou, Y., Li, S., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Feng, X.-Q. and Li, Q.* 2019 Tuning friction to a superlubric state via in-plane straining. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (published online)
2. Zhang, S., Ma, T., Erdemir, A. and Li, Q.* 2019 Tribology of two-dimensional materials: From mechanisms to modulating strategies, Materials Today, 26, 67-86.
3. Li, S., Li, Q.*, Carpick, R.W.*, Gumbsch, P., Liu, X.Z., Ding, X., Sun, J. and Li, J.* 2016 The evolving quality of frictional contact with graphene, Nature, 539, 541-545.
4. Li, Q., Tullis, T.E., Goldsby, D. & Carpick, R.W.* 2011 Frictional ageing from interfacial bonding and the origins of rate and state friction. Nature, 480 (7376), 233-236.
5. (Lee, C., Li, Q.), Kalb, W., Liu, X., Berger, H., Carpick, R.W.* & Hone, J. 2010 Frictional characteristics of atomically-thin sheets. Science, 328(5974), 76-80
*** Lee, C. 与 Li, Q. 为并列第一作者
6. Li, Q.*, Dong, Y., Perez, D., Martini, A. & Carpick, R.W. 2011 Speed dependence of atomic stick-slip friction in optimally matched experiments and molecular dynamics simulations: The role of dynamics vs. energetics. Physical Review Letters, 106, 126101.
7. Zheng, X., Gao, L., Yao, Q., Li, Q., Zhang, M., Xie, X., Qiao, S., Wang, G., Ma, T., Di, Z., Luo, J. and Wang, X. 2016 Robust ultra-low friction state of graphene via moiré superlattice confinement, Nature Communications, 7.
8. Li, Q., Kim, K.-S. & Rydberg, A. 2006 Lateral force calibration of an atomic force microscope with a dia- magnetic levitation spring system. Review of Scientific Instruments, 77, 065105.