(2013.03 – 2014.10)和德国达姆施塔特工业大学(2014.11 – 2017.11)从事博士后研究工作,其中2015.11 – 2017.02为德国洪堡学者。2017年12月起在福利直播
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至今已发表SCI论文30余篇、已授权国家发明专利1项。论文发表在《Physical Review Letters》、《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》、《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》、《ACS Nano》、《Proceeding of the National Academy of Science》等国际知名期刊上。
1. Cunjing Lv, Michael Eigenbrod, Steffen Hardt, Stability and collapse of holes in liquid layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (in press, 2018).
2. Yanshen Li, David Quéré, Cunjing Lv, Quanshui Zheng, Monostable super-repellent materials, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (13), 3387-3392 (2017).
3. Cunjing Lv, Pengfei Hao, Xiwen Zhang, Feng He. Drop impact upon superhydrophobic surfaces with regular and hierarchical roughness. Applied Physics Letters, 108 (14), 141602 (2016).
4. Wenwang Wu, Cunjing Lv, Jinhuan Zhang. Interface traction stress of 3D dislocation loop in anisotropic biomaterial. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 87, 7-37 (2016).
5. Cunjing Lv, Pengfei Hao, Xiwen Zhang, Feng He. Dewetting transitions of dropwise condensation on nanotexture enhanced superhydrophobic surfaces. ACS Nano 9 (12), 12311-12319 (2015).
6. Cunjing Lv, Christophe Clanet, David Quéré. Retraction of large liquid strips. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 778, R6 (2015).
7. Cunjing Lv, Pengfei Hao, Zhaohui Yao, Fenglei Niu. Departure of condensation droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 31(8), 2414-2420 (2015).
8. Cunjing Lv, Chao Chen, Yin-Chuan Chuang, Fan-Gang Tseng, Yajun Yin, Francois Grey, Quanshui Zheng. Substrate curvature gradient drives rapid droplet motion. Physical Review Letters 113(2), 026101 (2014).
9. Cunjing Lv, Pengfei Hao, Zhaohui Yao, Yu Song, Xiwen Zhang, Feng He. Condensation and jumping relay of droplets on lotus leaf. Applied Physics Letters 103(2), 021601 (2013).
10. Cunjing Lv, Pengfei Hao. Driving droplet by scale effect on microstructured hydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 28(49), 16958-16965 (2012).
11. Cunjing Lv, Changwei Yang, Pengfei Hao, Feng He, Quanshui Zheng. Sliding of water droplets on microstructured hydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir 26 (11), 8704-8708 (2010).
12. Cunjing Lv, Yajun Yin, Jie Yin. Geometric theory for adhering lipid vesicles. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 74(1), 380-388 (2009).