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已合作出版专著《软材料表面失稳力学》(科学出版社,2017)一部,以第一作者、通讯作者在《Nature Physics》《Physical Review Letters》《PNAS》《Nature Communications》《Science Advances》《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》《Biophysical Journal》《Advanced Intelligent Systems》等期刊上发表多篇论文。部分代表论文如下(*表示通讯作者):
1. Lv J. Q., Chen P. C., Chen Y. P., Liu H. Y., Wang S. D., Bai J., Lv C. L., Li Y., Shao Y., Feng X. Q., Li B.*, 2024. Active hole formation in epithelioid tissues. Nature Physics, //doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02504-1.
2. Li Z. Y., Chen Y. P., Liu H. Y., Li B.*, 2024. Three-dimensional chiral morphogenesis of active fluids. Physical Review Letters, 132, 138401.
3. Yu P., Li Y., Fang W., Feng X. Q., Li B.*, 2024. Mechanochemical dynamics of collective cells and hierarchical topological defects in multicellular lumens. Science Advances, 10, eadn0172.
4. Lin F., Li X., Sun S., Li Z. Y., Lv C. L., Bai J., Song L., Han Y., Li B.*, Fu J., Shao Y.*, 2023. Mechanically enhanced biogenesis of gut spheroids with instability-driven morphomechanics. Nature Communications, 14, 6016.
5. Zhang D. Q., Chen P. C., Li Z. Y., Zhang R., Li B.*, 2022. Topological defect-mediated morphodynamics of active–active interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119: e2122494119.
6. Shi P., Ren X., Meng J., Kang C., Wu Y., Rong Y., Zhao S., Jiang Z., Liang L., He W., Yin Y., Li X., Liu Y.*, Huang X.*, Sun Y.*, Li B.*, Wu C.*, 2022. Mechanical instability generated by Myosin 19 contributes to mitochondria cristae architecture and OXPHOS. Nature Communications, 13: 2673.
7. Xu K., Yang Y. G., Li B.*, 2021. Brownian cargo capture in mazes via intelligent colloidal microrobot swarms. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 3, 2100115.
8. Li B., Sun S. X.*, 2014. Coherent motions in confluent cell monolayer sheets. Biophysical Journal, 107: 1532–1541.
9. Li B., Jia F, Cao Y. P, Feng X. Q.*, Gao H., 2011. Surface wrinkling patterns on a core–shell soft sphere. Physical Review Letters, 106: 234301. (Cover Story)
10. Li B., Cao Y. P, Feng X. Q.*, Gao H., 2011. Surface wrinkling of mucosa induced by volumetric growth: theory, simulation and experiment. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59: 758–774.