(1) Cao Y. P. and *Lu J. (2004): A new method to extract the plastic properties of metal materials from an instrumented spherical indentation loading curve. Acta Mater. 52, 4023-4032.
(2) Cao Y. P. and *Lu J. (2004): Depth-sensing instrumented indentation with dual sharp indenters: stability analysis and corresponding regularization schemes. Acta Mater. 52, 1143-1153.
(3) Cao Y. P. and *Lu J. (2005): Size-dependent sharp indentation-I: A closed-form expression of the indentation loading curve. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 53, 33-48.
(4) Cao Y. P. and *Lu J. (2005): Size-dependent sharp indentation-II: A reverse algorithm to identify plastic properties of metallic materials. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 53, 49-62.
(5) *Cao Y. P., Qian X. Q., Huber N. (2007): Spherical indentation into elastoplastic materials: indentation-response based definitions of the representative strain. Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 454-455, 1-13.
(6) *Cao Y. P. (2007): Determination of the creep exponent of a power-law creep solid using indentation tests. Mech. Time-Depend. Mater. 11(2), 159-172.
(7) *Cao Y. P., Ma D., Raabe D. (2009): The use of flat punch indentation to determine the viscoelastic properties in the time and frequency domains of a soft layer bonded to a rigid substrate. Acta Biomater. 5, 240-248.
(8) *Cao Y. P., Ji X. Y., Feng X. Q. (2010): Geometry independence of the normalized relaxation functions of viscoelastic materials in indentation. Philos. Mag. 90, 1639-1655.
(9) Zhang M. G., *Cao Y. P., Li G. Y., Feng X. Q. (2014): Pipette aspiration of hyperelastic compliant materials: Theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 68, 179-196.
(10) Zhang M. G., *Cao Y. P., Li G. Y., Feng X. Q. (2014): Spherical indentation method for determining the constitutive parameters of hyperelastic soft materials, Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 13 (1), 1-11.
(1) 曹艳平,郑阳,严炜锋,尹子迎,压痕数据处理软件,2019SR0915961,2019.
(1) 一种人工心脏瓣膜材料的本构建模与压痕实验表征,委托单位:上海心纪元医疗科技有限公司,2024-2025。
(2) 人体组织材料力学属性研究技术合作项目,委托单位:华为终端有限公司,2021-2023。
(3) 柔性AMOLED显示屏力学建模与分析,委托单位:胜科纳米(苏州)有限公司,2019-2020。
(4) 塑封RF器件界面可靠性研究项目,委托单位:华为公司,2018-2019。
(5) 微纳米薄膜材料力学表征,委托单位:华为公司,2017-2018。
2-1:和哈佛大学John Hutchinson教授合作,将经典Koiter理论拓展用于分析软材料表面失稳,揭示了起皱、折叠、折痕和脊凸等多种失稳形貌的产生与演化机制。所发展的理论模型受到国内外相关领域学者广泛关注和引用,三篇相关论文迄今被引用700余次。
(1) Cao Y. P., *Hutchinson J. W. (2012): Wrinkling phenomena in neo-Hookean film/substrate bilayers. J. Appl. Mech. 79, 031019.
(2) Cao Y. P., *Hutchinson J. W. (2012): From wrinkles to creases in elastomers: The instability and imperfection-sensitivity of wrinkling. Proc. R. Soc. A. 468, 94-115.
(3) Zang J. F., Zhao X. H., *Cao Y. P., *Hutchinson J. W. (2012): Localized ridge wrinkling of stiff films on compliant substrates. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 60, 1265-1279.
(1) Zhao Y., Zhu H., Jiang C., *Cao Y. P., Feng, X. Q. (2020). Wrinkling pattern evolution on curved surfaces. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 135, 103798.
(2) Zhao Y., *Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., Ma K. (2014): Axial compression-induced wrinkles on a core-shell soft cylinder: Theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 73, 212-227.
(3) Cao Y. P., Li B., *Feng X. Q. (2012): Surface wrinkling and folding of core–shell soft cylinders. Soft Matter 8, 556-562.
(4) Li B., Cao Y. P., *Feng X. Q., Gao H. J. (2012): Mechanics of morphological instabilities and surface wrinkling in soft materials: A review. Soft Matter 8, 5728 (Review paper).
(5) Li B., Cao Y. P., *Feng X. Q., Gao H. J. (2011): Surface wrinkling of mucosa induced by volumetric growth: Theory, simulation and experiment. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 758-774.
(6) Li B., Jia F., Cao Y. P., *Feng X. Q., Gao H. J. (2011): Surface wrinkling patterns on a core-shell soft sphere. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 234301.
(1) Zhao Y., Han X., Li G. Y., *Lu C. H., *Cao Y. P., Feng X. Q., Gao H. J. (2015): Effect of lateral dimension on the surface wrinkling of a thin film on compliant substrate induced by differential growth/swelling, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 83, 129-145.
(2) Li G. Y. Xu G. Q., Zheng Y., *Cao Y. P. (2018): Non-leaky modes and bandgaps of surface acoustic waves in wrinkled stiff-film/compliant-substrate bilayers, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 112, 239-252.
(3) Zong C. Y., Zhao Y., Ji H. P., Han X., *Cao Y. P., *Jiang S. C., *Lu C. H. (2016): Tuning and erasing surface wrinkles by reversible visible-light-induced photoisomerization, Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 3931-3935 (Selected as the “very important paper” by the journal).
(4) Yu S., Li L., Wang J., Liu E., Zhao J., *Xu F., *Cao Y. P., *Lu, C. H. (2020): Light‐boosting highly sensitive pressure sensors based on bioinspired multiscale surface structures. Adv. Funct. Mater. 30(16), 1907091.
(5) Liu E., Zhang X., Ji H., Li Q., Li L., Wang J., Han X., Yu S., *Xu F., *Cao Y. P., *Lu C. H. (2022): Polarization-dependent ultrasensitive dynamic wrinkling on floating films induced by photo-orientation of azopolymer. Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 61(31), e202203715.
(6) Liu E., Li L., Wang J., Han X., Li X., *Xu F., *Cao Y. P., *Lu, C. H. (2023): Light‐induced in situ dynamic ordered wrinkling with arbitrarily tailorable wrinkling orientation for photoresponsive soft photonics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 33(24), 2300182.
(7) Wang X., Hu K. S., *Wang J., Han X., L. X., *Xu F., *Cao Y. P., *Lu C. H. (2024): Laser-direct-writing reversible aligned wrinkling on arbitrary films assisted by a detachable assembly strategy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2418881.
(1) Cao Y. P. Uncertainty quantification in ultrasound elastography, book chapter in “Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification in Soft Tissue Biomechanics”, edited by Gerhard A. Holzapfel.
(2) Xu W. Q., Zheng Y., Jiang Y. X., Zhang Z. Y., Yin Z. Y., *Cao Y. P. (2024): Imaging the intramuscular pressure of living muscles with shear waves. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 192, 1058-1074.
(3) Yin Z. Y., *Li G. Y., Zhang Z. Y., Zheng Y., *Cao Y. P. (2024): SWENet: a physics-informed deep neural network (PINN) for shear wave elastography, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 43(4),1434-1448.
(4) Xu W. Q., Zheng Y., Jiang Y, X., Zhang Z. Y., Ma S. Y., *Cao Y. P. (2023): Shear wave imaging the active constitutive parameters of living muscles. Acta Biomater. 166, 400-408.
(5) Zhang Z. Y., *Li G. Y., Jiang Y. X., Zheng Y., Gower A. L., Destrade M., *Cao Y. P. (2023): Noninvasive measurement of local stress inside soft materials with programmed shear waves. Sci. Adv. 9(10), eadd4082.
(6) Li G. Y., Jiang Y. X., Zheng Y., Xu W. Q., Zhang Z. Y., *Cao Y. P. (2023): Arterial stiffness probed by dynamic ultrasound elastography characterizes waveform of blood pressure. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 41(6), 1510-1519.
(7) Zheng Y., Jiang Y. X., *Cao Y. P. (2021): A porohyperviscoelastic model for the shear wave elastography of the liver. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 150,104339.
(8) Li G. Y., He Q., Xu G. Q., Luo J., *Cao Y. P. (2017): Guided waves in pre-stressed hyperelastic plates and tubes: Application to the ultrasound elastography of thin-walled soft materials. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 102, 67-79.
(9) Li G. Y., Zheng Y., Liu Y., Destrade M., *Cao Y. P. (2016): Elastic Cherenkov effects in transversely isotropic soft materials-I: Theoretical analysis, simulations and inverse method. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 95, 388-410.
(10) Li G. Y., He Q., Qian L. X., Geng H., Liu Y., Yang X. Y., Luo J., *Cao Y. P. (2016): Elastic Cherenkov effects in transversely isotropic soft materials-II: Ex vivo and in vivo experiments. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 94, 181-190.
(11) Jiang Y., Li G. Y., Qian L. X., Hu X. D., Liu D., Liang S., *Cao Y. P. (2015): Characterization of the nonlinear elastic properties of soft tissues using the supersonic shear imaging (SSI) technique: Inverse method, ex vivo and in vivo experiments. Med. Image Anal. 20, 97-111.
(1) 曹艳平团队,一种人体软组织中弹性波的激发、采集装置与数据分析方法, 专利, 受让方:北京曦健科技有限公司 (包含3件发明专利)。
(2) 曹艳平团队,一种仿生体模制备技术, 专利, 受让方:北京曦健科技有限公司 (包含2件发明专利)。
(3) 曹艳平团队,一种人体软组织力学成像分析方法, 专利,受让方:北京曦健科技有限公司 (包含5件发明专利)。