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学科方向:流体力学 旋涡理论与应用 激波膨胀波理论与应用




学士(北京航空福利直播 )

深入研究文凭 (巴黎中央理工)

博士 (法国巴黎第六大学)


教 授 (清华1999- 北航 1997-1999)

副教授 (北航1994-1997)

科研工程师 (ENSAM Paris)






副主编或地区编辑:Chinese J Aeronautics(今),Computers&Fluids(往),CFD J(往)





选修课: 高超空气动力学










在流体力学顶级期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics上发表论文11篇。

主要成果:提出涡升力线地图涡(Vortex Force Line Map),从VFL地图上,任何一个实有涡对升力的贡献一目了然,以此解释了非定常气动力的一些特殊现象(JFM,2015)


【1】 Li J., and Wu Z. N., 2015 Unsteady lift for the Wagner problem in the presence of additional leading/trailing edge vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769, pp. 182-217.

【2】 Li Juan; Xu YiZhe; Wu ZiNiu 2015 Kutta-Joukowski force expression for viscous flow SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY Volume: 58 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024703

【3】 Li, Juan; Bai, Chen-Yuan; Wu, Zi-Niu 2015 A Two-Dimensional Multibody Integral Approach for Forces in Inviscid Flow With Free Vortices and Vortex Production JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Volume: 137 Issue: 2 Article Number: 021205

【4】 吴子牛、白晨媛、李娟、陈梓钧、汲世祥、王聃、王文斌、徐艺哲、姚瑶 2015 高超声速飞行器流动特征分析 航空学报 36(1) 58-85

【5】 Bai Chenyuan; Li Juan; Wu Ziniu 2014 Generalized Kutta-Joukowski theorem for multi-vortex and multi-airfoil flow with vortex production - A general model CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Pages: 1037-1050 Published: OCT 2014

【6】 胡锐锋 , 龚自正 吴子牛 2014无控航天器与空间碎片再入工程预测方法研究现状 航天器环境工程 31 548-557

【7】 Bai CY; Wu ZN, 2014 Kutta-Joukowski theorem for mulitbody and multivortex flow (lumped vortex assumption), Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Pages: 34-39 Published: FEB 2014

【8】 Wang, Wen-Bin; Hu, Rui-Feng; Xu, Shengjin;Wu, Zi-Niu, Influence of aspect ratio on tumbling plates Journal of fluid mechanics, 733 Pages: 650-679 Published: OCT 2013

【9】 Yao, Yao; Li, Shao-Guang;Wu, Zi-Niu, Shock reflection in the presence of an upstream expansion wave and a downstream shock wave Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 735 Pages: 61-90 Published: NOV 2013

【10】 Wang WB, Wu ZN, Wang CF,Hu RF, 2013, Modelling the spreading rate of controlled communicable epidemics through an entropy-based thermodynamic model, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, Volume: 56 Issue: 11 Pages: 2143-2150

【11】 白晨媛,孙元昊,耿扬,李韶光,吴子牛,一种新的激波/滑移线共存结构,中国科学-物理学、力学、天文学, 43(1),94-103 2013

【12】 54. YZ Xu, ZQ Xu, SG Li, J Li, CY Bai & ZN Wu, 2013 A hypersonic lift mechanism with decoupled lift and drag surfaces, SCIENCE CHINA Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013 Vol. 56 (5): 981-988

【13】 ZN Wu, YZ Xu, WB Wang & RF Hu, 2013 Review of shock wave detection method in CFD post-processing, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, vol.26, No.3, pp.501-513

全部Journal of Fluid Mechanics论文清单(括号标注博士生)

【1】 Li J.(李娟), and Wu Z. N., 2015 Unsteady lift for the Wagner problem in the presence of additional leading/trailing edge vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769, Pages: 182-217.

【2】 Wang, Wen-Bin(王文斌); Hu, Rui-Feng; Xu, Shengjin;Wu, Zi-Niu,2013 Influence of aspect ratio on tumbling plates Journal of fluid mechanics,733 Pages: 650-679

【3】 Yao, Yao(姚瑶); Li, Shao-Guang;Wu, Zi-Niu, 2013 Shock reflection in the presence of an upstream expansion wave and a downstream shock wave Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 735 Pages: 61-90

【4】 Wang XX(王晓欣), Wu ZN, 2012 Lift force reduction due to body image of vortex for a hovering flight model,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 709 Pages: 648-658

【5】 Li SG(李韶光), Gao B & Wu ZN, 2011 Time history of regular to Mach reflection transition in steady supersonic flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 682 Pages: 160-184

【6】 Gao B(高波), Wu ZN 2010 A study of the flow structure for Mach reflection in steady supersonic flow ,Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656 Pages: 29-50

【7】 Wang XX (王晓欣)& Wu ZN 2010 Stroke-averaged lift forces due to vortex rings and their mutual interactions for a flapping flight model ,Journal of Fluid Mechanics 654 Pages: 453-472

【8】 Tian ZW (田中伟)& Wu ZN 2009 A study of two-dimensional flow past regular polygons via conformal mapping Journal of Fluid Mechanics 628 Pages: 121-154

【9】 Zhou R (周睿)& Wu ZN, 2007 Fire whirls due to surrounding flame sources and the influence of the rotation speed on the flame height Journal of Fluid Mechanics 583 Pages: 313-345

【10】 Gan CJ (甘才俊)& Wu ZN 2006 Short-wave instability due to wall slip and numerical observation of wall-slip instability for microchannel flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics 550 Pages: 289-306

【11】 Tan LH(谭廉华), Ren YX & Wu ZN, 2006 Analytical and numerical study of the near flow field and shape of the Mach stem in steady flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics 546 Pages: 341-362


【1】 A. Lerat and Z.N.Wu, Stable conservative multidomain treatments for implicit Euler solvers, J. Comput. Phys., vol.123, pp.45-64 ,1996.

【2】 Z.N.Wu, Uniqueness of steady state solutions for difference equations on overlapping grids, SIAMJ. Numer. Anal.,vol. 33, pp.1336-1357, 1996

【3】 Z.N.Wu, Convergence study of an implicit multidomain method for compressible flow computations, Computers & Fluids, vol.25, pp.181-196, 1996.