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地址:福利直播 逸夫技术科学楼C301,100084,北京

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1988.9—1993.07 福利直播 工程力学系本科生(获工程力学系学士和环境工程第二学士学位)

1994.9—1999.06 福利直播 工程力学系博士生(直博)


1999.8—今 福利直播 福利直播 (工程力学系)工作,先后任讲师、副教授、博士生导师、教研系列长聘副教授(特别研究员)、长聘教授

1997.10-1998.10 日本SMC筑波研究中心合作研究员

1993.09—1994.7 福利直播 工程力学系工作(四川东方锅炉厂借调)


2021/08-今 中国空气力学学会 理事

2020/11-今 中国生物医学工程学会机械循环支持分会 常务委员

2019/08-今 中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会特种流控专委会 副主任委员

2011/08-今 中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会 委员

2019/11-今 中国力学学会流体控制工程分会 委员

2013/08-2018/12 中国液压气动标准委员会 委员

2006/08-2019/12 中国机械工程学会流体传动分会气动专业委员会 秘书长

2015/12-2022/11 中国医药生物技术协会心血管外科技术与工程分会 委员

2023/04-2027/03 中国医药生物技术协会心血管外科技术与工程分会 顾问委员

2010-今 多个中英文杂志编委会成员









1. Wang CY , Zhang HX, Zhu DY, Huang B, Xu ZK , Hao PF, He F, Zhao HY, Zhang XW*. Successive impact of droplets on the superhydrophobic surface. International Journal of Multiphase Flow,2024,174: 104758

2. Wu X, Wang CY, Hao PF, He F,Yao ZH,Wei RH, Zhang XW*. Mesoscopic Model for Reversible Adsorption Stage of Albumin and Fibrinogen on TiO2 Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2024,128(8):1900-1914

3. Chen CH, Zhang MK, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW*. An in silico analysis of unsteady flow structures in a microaxial blood pump under a pulsating rotation speed. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2024, 243: 107919

4. Zhang HX, Du HC, Zhu DY, Zhao HY, Zhang XW, He F, Wang L, Lv CJ, Hao PF. Ice Adhesion Properties on Micropillared Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2024,16(8): 11084-11093

5. Li XR, He F, Zhang XW, Hao PF, Wu XC, Liu NH. Experimental study on acoustic resonance of subsonic and slightly underexpanded impinging jets. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 983:A32

6. Wang CY , Zhang HX, Xu ZK, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW*. Whether contact time can evaluate the anti-icing properties of superhydrophobic surface-A research based on the MDPDE method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023, 215: 124477.

7. Xu ZK, Chen CH, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW*. Cell-scale hemolysis evaluation of intervenient ventricular assist device based on dissipative particle dynamics. Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, 14: 1181423

8. Gao XY , Xu ZK, Chen CH , Hao PF, Zhang XW*. Full-scale numerical simulation of hemodynamics based on left ventricular assist device. Frontiers in Physiology,2023, 14:1192610

9. Huang B, Zhang XW, Li XR, et al. Numerical investigation of droplet condensation and self-propelled jumping on superhydrophobic microcolumned surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(5): 052103

10. Xu ZK, Wang CY, He F,Hao PF, Zhang XW*. Coarse-grained model of whole blood hemolysis and morphological analysis of erythrocyte population under non-physiological shear stress flow environment. Physics of Fluids, 2022,35(3): 031901

11. Xue S, Xu QM, Xu ZK, Zhang XH, Zhang HX, Zhang XW, He F, Chen YQ, Xue Y, Hao PF*. Manipulation of Particle/Cell Based on Compressibility in a Divergent Microchannel by Surface Acoustic Wave. Analytical Chemistry, 2023(2): DOI 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03841

12. Li XR, Wu XC, Liu LH, Zhang XW, Hao PF, He F*.Acoustic resonance mechanism for axisymmetric screech modes of underexpanded jets impinging on an inclined plate. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 956: A2

13. Xu ZK, Wang CY, Xue S, He F,Hao PF, Zhang XW*. The Erythrocyte Destruction Mechanism in Non-Physiological Shear Mechanical Hemolysis. Physics of Fluids, 2022,34(11):111901 Editor’s Featured

14. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, He F, et al. How micropatterns affect the anti-icing performance of superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022 195: 123196.

15. Shen J, Li XR, Wang YT, Hao, PF, Zhang, XW, He F.Screech in transient supersonic jets. Physics of Fluids, 2022,34(9): 096102

16. Shen J, Li XR, Wang YT, Hao PF, Zhang XW, He F.Evolution of Effective Source and Screech Mode in Compressible Starting Jet. AIAA J., 2022,60(7): 4068-4080

17. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, Yi X, et al. How surface roughness promotes or suppresses drop splash, Physics of Fluids, 2022,34(2): 022111

18. Wang ZB, Li XR, Liu LH, Wu XC, Hao PF, Zhang XW,He F. Deep-learning-based super-resolution reconstruction of high-speed imaging in fluids, Physics of Fluids, 2022,34(3): 037107

19. Xue S, Zhang XW, He F, Liu ZM, Hao PF Acoustic particle migration and focusing in a tilted acoustic field. Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(12): 122006

20. Liu LH, Li XR, Liu NH, Hao PF, Zhang XW, He F. The feedback loops of discrete tones in under-expanded impinging jets. Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(10): 106112

21. Wang CY , Wu X , Zhang XW. Study on a mesoscopic model of droplets freezing considering the recalescence process[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(9): 092001 Editor’s pick

22. Wang CY, Wu X, Zhang HX, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW* . A many-body dissipative particle dynamics with energy conservation study of droplets icing on microstructure surfaces. Advances in Aerodynamics. 2021. 3(1):34

23. Wu X, Wang CY, Hao PF, Yao ZH, H F, Zhang XW*. Adsorption properties of albumin and fibrinogen on hydrophilic/hydrophobic TiO2 surfaces: A molecular dynamics study. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2021, 204:111994, IF5.27,杂志封面

24. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, Yi X, He F, Niu FL, Hao PF. Reversed role of liquid viscosity on drop splash. Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(5): 052103

25. Wang CY, Wu X, Zhang HX, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW* A many-body dissipative particle dynamics study of eccentric droplets impacting inclined fiber, Physics of Fluids, 2021,33(4): 042001, Editor’s pick

26. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, Yi X, He F, Niu FL, Hao PF. Effect of wettability on droplet impact: Spreading and splashing. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 124: 110369

27. Li XR, Niu NH, Hao PF, Zhang XW,He F. Screech feedback loop and mode staging process of axisymmetric underexpanded jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 122: 110323

28. Wu X,Hao PF, Yao ZH, He F, Zhang XW* Molecular dynamics simulations of BSA absorptions on pure and formate-contaminated rutile (110) surface, Applied Surface Science 2020,533(12): 147574

29. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, Yi X, He F , Niu FL, Hao PF, Asymmetric splash and breakup of drops impacting on cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces,Physics of Fluids, 2020,32(12): 122108

30. Li XR, Zhang XW, Hao PF, He F*. Acoustic feedback loops for screech tones of underexpanded free round jets at different modes. J. Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 902:A17

31. Wang LW, Chen ZS, Zhang JF, Zhang XW, Wu ZJJ. Modeling Clot Formation of Shear-Injured Platelets in Flow by a Dissipative Particle Dynamics Method. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2020, 82(7): 83

32. Zhang HX, Zhang XW, Yi X, et al. Dynamic behaviors of droplets impacting on ultrasonically vibrating surfaces. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2020,112:110019

33. Wang LW, Dai JZ, Hao PF, He F, Zhang XW*. Mesoscopic Dynamical Model of Ice Crystal Nucleation Leading to Droplet Freezing. ACS OMEGA, 2020,5(7): 3322-3332

