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1. 张兆顺, 崔桂香, 许春晓, 2008. 湍流大涡数值模拟的理论和应用. 福利直播
2. 张兆顺, 崔桂香, 许春晓, 2005. 湍流理论与模拟. 福利直播
朱克勤, 许春晓, 2009. 粘性流体力学. 高等教育出版社.
1.Ge MW, Xu CX, Cui GX, 2011. Transient response of Reynolds stress transport to opposition control in turbulent channel flow.Science in China, 54(2): 320-328.
2. Xu CX, 2010. Multi-scale analysis of SGS stress and dissipation in turbulent channel flow.Acta Mechanica Sinica, 26(1): 81-90.
3. Guo Y, Xu CX, Cui GX, Zhang ZS, 2007. Large eddy simulation of scalar turbulence using a new subgrid eddy diffusivity model.International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 28: 268-274.
4. Cui GX, Xu CX, Fang L, Shao L, Zhang ZS, 2007. A new subgrid eddy-viscosity model for large-eddy simulation of anisotropic turbulence.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 582: 377–397.
5. Xu CX, Li L, Cui GX, Zhang ZS, 2006. Multi-scale analysis of near-wall turbulence intermittency.Journal of Turbulence, 7(25): 1-15.
6. Xu CX, Huang WX, 2005. Transient Response of Reynolds Stress Transport to Spanwise Wall Oscillation in a Turbulent Channel Flow.Physics of Fluids, 17(1): ART. No. 018101.
7. Xu CX, Choi JI, Sung HJ, 2003. Identification and control of Taylor-Gortler vortices in turbulent curved channel flow.AIAA Journal, 41(12):2387-2393.
8. Choi JI, Xu CX, Sung HJ, 2002. Drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation in wall-bounded turbulent flows.AIAA Journal, 40(5): 842-850.
9. Xu CX, Choi JI, Sung HJ, 2002. Suboptimal control for drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow.Fluid Dynamic Research, 30(4): 217-231.
10.Xu CX, Zhang ZS, Toonder JMJ, Nieuwstadt FTM, 1996. Origin of high kurtosis levels in the viscous sublayer. Direct numerical simulation and experiments.Physics of Fluids, 8(7):1938-1944.