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马维刚,甘肃环县人,福利直播 长聘副教授,博士生导师。现任中国工程热物理学会传热传质青年委员会主任、国际传热传质中心(ICHMT)科学委员会委员、中国计量测试学会热物性专委会委员、《International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow》副编辑、《Journal of Thermal Science》传热传质学科编辑。曾获国际传热传质中心Hartnett-Irvine Award(2018)、亚洲热物性研究青年科学家奖(2019)、教育部自然科学一等奖(2018)、中国工程热物理学会自然科学二等奖(2023)、福利直播 大学生研究训练计划优秀指导教师一等奖(2016)等奖励。主要研究领域为微纳尺度热测量、能量高效转换与存储(离子热电与固态电池),微电子器件热设计,医工交叉研究。



2002年9月—2006年7月,福利直播 ,获工学学士学位

2006年9月—2012年1月,福利直播 ,获工学博士学位


2012年1月—2013年12月,福利直播 博士后

2012年4月—2012年7月,日本九州大学 访问学者

2013年12月—2014年12月,福利直播 讲师

2014年12月—2016年12月,福利直播 副教授

2017年1月—2022年12月,福利直播 教研系列准聘副教授

2023年1月—至今,福利直播 长聘副教授






《International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow》副编辑

《Journal of Thermal Science》传热传质学科编辑




《Applied Thermal Engineering》专刊客座编辑













致力于微纳尺度能量输运、转换及医工交叉研究,包括微纳尺度能量输运性质测量(综合T型法,TDTR,拉曼闪光),热电、液电材料开发与研究,固态电池开发和医工交叉等。共发表SCI论文100余篇,近五年(2019.1-2024.2)以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文52篇,包括Nature Communications(2篇),Nano Energy(2篇),ACS Nano(1篇),Advanced Energy Materials(1篇)等期刊。在国际/国内会议作特邀报告10余次。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部联合研究基金、基础加强计划项目、华为公司、中兴公司、航天科技、中航工业、华大九天公司等多项合作项目,作为学术骨干参加国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目、重点项目和仪器设备专项等。






[1] 2023,中国工程热物理学会自然科学二等奖(排名第1)

[2] 2019,亚洲热物性研究青年科学家奖

[3] 2018,国际传热传质中心Hartnett-Irvine Award(排名第1)

[4] 2018,教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第3)

[5] 2016,福利直播 大学生研究训练计划优秀指导教师一等奖

[6] 2012,第三届国际传热论坛“Best Presentation Award”


共发表SCI论文100余篇,近五年(2019.1-2024.2)以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文52篇,包括Nature Communications(2篇),Nano Energy(2篇),ACS Nano(1篇),Advanced Energy Materials(1篇)等:

1. Chi C, Liu G Z, An M, Zhang Y F, Song D X, Qi X, Zhao C Y, Wang Z Q, Du Y Z, Lin Z Z, Lu Y, Huang H, Li Y, Lin C J, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Du X Z, Zhang X, Reversible bipolar thermopower of ionic thermoelectric polymer composite for cyclic energy generation, Nature Communications, 14:306, 2023.

2. Chi C, An M, Qi X, Li Y, Zhang R H, Liu G Z, Lin C J, Huang H, Dang H, Demir B, Wang Y, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Zhang X, Selectively tuning ionic thermopower in all-solid-state flexible polymer composites for thermal sensing, Nature Communications, 13:221, 2022.

3. Dang H, Lu Y, Du Y Z, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Ma W G*, Zhang X, A detailed thermal resistance network analysis of FCBGA package, Journal of Thermal Science, 33:18-28, 2024.

4. Gu Z C, Song D X, Luo S T, Liu H X, Sun X M, Zhu L Y, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Insights into the anode-initiated and grain boundary-initiated mechanisms for dendrite formation in all-solid-state lithium metal batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 13:2302945, 2023.

5. Du Y Z, Bo Z X, Ma W G*, Wang W H, Zhang X, Using transducerless time-domain thermoreflectance technique to measure in- and cross-plane thermal conductivity of nanofilms, Journal of Applied Physics, 134:185101, 2023.

6. Lin Z Z, Zhang X K, Ping X F, Hu L, Wang L C, Li M L, Li M J, Zhang Y, Li X L, Li P, Chi C, Ma W G*, Zhao D M*, Mai L Q, Zhang X, Disordered configuration leads to decoupled conductivity and thermopower, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4:101457, 2023.

7. Gao S, Qu J, Liu Z C*, Ma W G*, Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jumping-droplet condensation, Nano Energy, 113:108558, 2023.

8. Lu Y, Chi C, Zhang Y F, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Time-domain thermoreflectance study of the thermal transport properties of all-solid-state ionic thermoelectric material, International Journal of Thermophysics, 44:88, 2023.

9. An M, Zhang K L, Song F X, Chen X Q, Sharshir S W*, Kandeal A W, Thakur A K, Abdullah A S, Elkadeem M R, Chi C*, Edreis E M A, Kabeel A E, Ma W*, Discovering a robust machine learning model for predicting the productivity of a solar-driven humidification-dehumidification system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 228:120485, 2023.

10. Yao B, An L L, Zhu H H, Wang Z Q, Luo C C, Liu Y Y, Lin P C*, Chen Y, An M*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermal management and waste heat recovery of electronics enabled by highly thermoconductive aramid composites with bridge-type 1d/2d liquid-crystalline thermal conduction networks, Energy Conversion and Management, 276:116603, 2023.

11. Song D X, Chi C, An M, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Wang K, Zhang X, Ionic Seebeck coefficient and figure of merit in ionic thermoelectric materials, Cell Reports Physical Science, 3:101018, 2022.

12. Dang H, Zhang Q, Lu Y, Zhang X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Optimizing the heat source layout of chips using bionic method: Reduction of junction temperature, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197:123321, 2022.

13. Lu Y, Tan X, Du Y Z, Ma D L, Ma W G*, Direct observation of ultrafast carrier coupling dynamics in monolayer graphene/metal system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197:123322, 2022.

14. Chu H Q, Xu N, Yu X Y, Jiang H T, Ma W G*, Qiao F*, Review of surface modification in pool boiling application: Coating manufacturing process and heat transfer enhancement mechanism, Applied Thermal Engineering, 215:119041, 2022.

15. Wang X Q, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Tunable anisotropic lattice thermal conductivity in one-dimensional superlattices from molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Thermal Science, 31:1068-1075, 2022.

16. Du Y Z, Shi S Y, Miao T T, Ma W G*, Mai L Q*, Zhang X, Thermoelectric properties of an individual suspended single-crystalline Sb2Se3 nanowire, Journal of Thermal Science, 31:1106-1114, 2022.

17. Zhao C Y, Song D X, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Insights of the ionic transport in intercalated two-dimensional materials leveraging lattice dynamics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126:10209-10215, 2022.

18. Lin Z Z, Dang H, Zhao C Y, Du Y Z, Chi C, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, The cross-interface energy-filtering effect at organic/inorganic interfaces balances the trade-off between thermopower and conductivity, Nanoscale, 14:9419, 2022.

19. Lin Z Z, Du Y Z, Li P, Chi C, Lu Y, Dang H, Song D X, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, in situ triggering metallicity in 3D graphene via constructing wrinkle configuration, Applied Physics Letters, 120:203503, 2022.

20. Lin Z Z, Du Y Z, Chi C, Dang H, Song D X, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, Energy-dependent carrier scattering at weak localizations leading to decoupling of thermopower and conductivity, Carbon, 194:62-71, 2022.

21. Dang H, Song D X, Lin Z Z, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Effect of axial electric field on confined water in carbon nanotube: Enhancement of thermophoresis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 190:122751, 2022.

22. An M, Wang H T, Yuan Y J*, Chen D S, Ma W G*, Sharshir S W, Zheng Z H, Zhao Y X*, Zhang X, Strong phonon coupling induces low thermal conductivity of one-dimensional carbon boron nanotube, Surfaces and Interfaces, 28:101690, 2022.

23. Tang Z L, Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Two-level synergistic scatterings from porosity and particle aggregation in Cu nanofluids for the enhancement of solar thermal conversion, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 342:116940, 2021.

24. Kandeal A W, An M*, Chen X Q, Algazzar A M, Thakur A K, Guan X Y, Wang J Y, Elkadeem M R, Ma W G*, Sharshir S W*, Productivity modeling enhancement of a solar desalination unit with nanofluids using machine learning algorithms integrated with bayesian optimization, Energy Technology, 9:2100189, 2021.

25. Song D X, Chen X, Lin Z Z, Tang Z L, Ma W G*, Zhang Q*, Li Y S, Zhang X, Usability identification framework and high-throughput screening of two-dimensional materials in lithium ion batteries, ACS Nano, 15:16469-16477, 2021.

26. Song D X, Ma W G*, and Zhang X, Insight into the activation energy for the interfacial stability evaluation in all-solid-state Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 506:230211, 2021.

27. Shan Z Y, Xian H J, Jia L, Ma W G*, Zhang H, Zhang X, Wang W H, Size effect of the heat transfer in palladium-based metallic glass nanofilms, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 882:160748, 2021.

28. An M, Chen D S, Ma W G*, Hu S Q*, Zhang X, Directly visualizing the crossover from incoherent to coherent phonons in two-dimensional periodic MoS2/MoSe2 arrayed heterostructure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178:121630, 2021.

29. Wang X Q, An M, Zou J H, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Large-scale preparation of thermal anisotropic macroscopic layered metallic materials by a mechanical rolling method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 171:121059, 2021.

30. Yang F L, Hegh D, Song D X, Zhang J Z, Usman K A, Wang Z Y, Zhang P, Ma W G*, Yang W R, Qin S*, Razal J M*, A nitrogenous pre-intercalation strategy for the synthesis of nitrogen-doped Ti3C2Tx MXene with enhanced electrochemical capacitance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9:6393-6401, 2021.

31. Song D X, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, High rate and capacity performances of functionalized Mxene/graphene heterostructure anodes for magnesium-ion batteries, International Journal of Energy Research, 45:3421-3429, 2021.

32. Qi X, Miao T T, Chi C, Zhang G, Zhang C, Du Y Z, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Ultralight PEDOT:PSS/graphene oxide composite aerogel sponges for electric power harvesting from thermal fluctuations and moist environment, Nano Energy, 77:105096, 2020.

33. Li P, Liu Y J, Shi S Y, Xu Z*, Ma W G*, Wang Z Q, Liu S P, Gao C*, Highly crystalline graphene fibers with superior strength and conductivities by plasticization spinning, Advanced Functional Materials, 30:2006584, 2020.

34. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Correlated migration of ions in a 2D heterostructure anode: Guaranteeing a low barrier for a high site occupancy, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8:17463-17470, 2020.

35. Chi C, Li D Z, Li Y, Qi X, Huang H, Wang Q, Lin C J, Zhang X, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Silicon-nanoforest-based solvent-free micro-supercapacitors with ultrahigh spatial resolution via IC-compatible in situ fabrication for on-chip energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8:22736-22744, 2020.

36. Song D X, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Hybrid percolation network in composite for selectively enhancing electrical and thermal conductivities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 147:119014, 2020.

37. Zhang C*, Gu Y A, Teng G X, Wang L P, Jin X D, Qiang Z W, Ma W G*, Fabrication of a double-shell Ag/AgCl/G-ZnFe2O4 nanocube with enhanced light absorption and superior photocatalytic antibacterial activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12:29883-29898, 2020.

38. Qi X, Xu H, Wang X Q, Ma W G*, Qiu C, An M, Zhang G*, Wang F, Zhang X, Bermak A, Effective surface emissivity and heat dissipation among integrated bamboo-like super-black vertical carbon nanotube array electrodes in silicon via holes, Carbon, 158:846-856, 2020.

39. Song D X, Xie L, Zhang Y F, Lu Y, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Multilayer ion load and diffusion on TMD/Mxene heterostructure anodes for alkali-ion batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3:7699-7709, 2020.

40. Gu Y N, Teng G X, Jin X D, Wang L P, Qiang Z W, Ma W G*, Zhang C*, Shape-controlled synthesis of coral-like ZnO/C-ZnFe2O4 hierarchical structures and their improved photocatalytic antibacterial efficiency under visible light illumination, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59:11219-11231, 2020.

41. Chen D S, Chen H F, Hu S Q, Guo H, Sharshir S W, An M*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Influence of atomic-scale defect on thermal conductivity of single-layer MoS2 sheet, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 831:154875, 2020.

42. An M, Li L F, Hu S Q*, Ding Z D, Yu X X, Demir B, Yang N*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Mass difference and polarization lead to low thermal conductivity of graphene-like carbon nitride (C3N), Carbon, 162:202-208, 2020.

43. Zhang C*, Jin C Z, Teng G X, Gu Y N, Ma W G*, Controllable synthesis of hollow MnFe2O4 by self-etching and its application in high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 365:121-131, 2019.

44. Wang X Q, Shi S Y, Qi X, Wu D, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermoelectric properties of single crystal EuBiSe3 fiber, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 23:200-210, 2019.

45. Song D X, Zhang Y F, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Role of electron-phonon coupling in thermal conductivity of metallic nanofluids, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 52:485302, 2019.

46. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Lattice thermal conductivity of Si/Ge composite thermoelectric material: Effect of Si particle distribution, International Journal of Energy Research, 43:379-390, 2019.

47. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Anisotropic thermal conductivity in ferrofluids induced by uniform cluster orientation and anisotropic phonon mean free path, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 138:1228-1237, 2019.

48. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermal conductivity in highly loaded metallic nanowire-dielectric composite: Effect of percolation network, Chemical Physics Letters, 731:136630, 2019.

49. Song D X, Jing D W, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Effect of particle aggregation on thermal conductivity of nanofluids: Enhancement of phonon MFP, Journal of Applied Physics, 125:015103, 2019.

50. Miao T T, Yu D W, Xing L, Li D W, Jiao L Y, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Current rectification in a structure: ReSe2/Au contacts on both sides of ReSe2, Nanoscale Research Letters, 14:1, 2019.

51. Miao T T, Li D W, Wang X S, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Ultraweak influence of strong magnetic field on electrical and thermal transport properties of a polycrystalline gold nanoribbon, Physical Review B, 100:235402, 2019.

52. Jin C Z, Teng G X, Gu Y A, Cheng H, Fu S P, Zhang C*, Ma W G*, Functionalized hollow MnFe2O4 nanospheres: Design, applications and mechanism for efficient adsorption of heavy metal ions, New Journal of Chemistry, 43:5879-5889, 2019.